Sunday, August 22, 2010


Narcissus sat down
and started typing...
clicking through square
pools of
bottomless death
while outside,
shadows slid silently
across the
face of cumulus,
that is sagging
over shuttered windows
and neat brickwork

Saturday, November 07, 2009

You thought you were lost

you were
attempting to land on
the thin, top most branches
of uncertainty


Even they...

wouldnt hold
your thin, hollow bones

You took the long way round

Terrorized by unseen futures
glimpsed faces of disconnection
and the distant twinkling
of orange lights singing
your unknown longing
back to you

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Couple

The homeless man rummages through a bin,
Looks up, and walks away as the light turns green
The couple watch him from the car window
on their way to purchase a new lounge suite.

Later, while the couple are talking over lunch,
there is a


A man with a gold watch
at a nearby table is blowing smoke rings
The couple finish eating

It was a lovely day we spent together, wasnt it?

Yes. Yes it was.

In his therapists office, later that week
The man explores his feelings of jealousy
and being excluded as a child

Monday, March 16, 2009

Away At Sea

Ive been away at sea, love
Sweeping the discarded tissues
of the grieving from the decks
watching them drown
and dissolve in the briny murk
Drifting for what seemed like
Endless, windless days
Ive been away at sea too long

Ive been away at sea, love
Watching the sorrowful rain
Sting and beat on the decks
and fall like unheeded tears
on an endless horizon rocking
Ive been mopping out the swill
While the timbres groaned in the hull

Ive been away at sea, love
Watching the Albatross,
the Silver gull,

Ive been thirsty,

havent eaten

Ive been away at sea too long, love
Looking for the eagle

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Crickets Eyes

The sky above
was some unsure shade of blue
And the black shapes of pines
poked over the rooftops

A cricket Chirruped
as was fitting for such an evening
of hushed unease
Its unseen, black pearl eyes
staring from somewhere,
With mute invertebrate

I stood
And felt the crickets eyes
Running through my veins
I almost felt the valves opening
to his frightening wisdom
And the soft, ever deepening
blue night crushing everything
As if the earth were the very crucible
of love itself

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I breathe
The stench of

Breaking open and
Spilling innards
In the middle of the road
Like some drunk
That cant remember
what she did last night
In her effort to forget

I breathe
Her halitosis curling
Its rancid desire
in my nostrils
Expelling from
Tar choked lungs
I wretch with compassion

I breathe
And cradle her head in my hands
Look at her ravaged mouth
Her chewed nipples
Slender fingers tapering
To drawn knives dipped in red enamel

I breathe
Dim lanterns
Far back in dark caverns
A salt edged hope
A river
Down a sunken,
Dying desert skin
The final window

Friday, January 30, 2009

A Love for Evil Things

You still haunt me
like that ape that swings
through the trees
behind me,
just out of sight
in the periphery
Like that bird of death
to consider
on the rusted cyclone wire
fence thats falling apart
by the station,
with the rotting clothes piling up.

When a dead body becomes
nothing more than a sack of
dispatched with the required

when evil is
Cursed in the other,
But not transformed in the self

Your terrible love...
The love for,
not of, evil things

Like a large, worn smooth
Rock in earths desert of hate
On this rock I perish,
Am smashed to bits
and broken beyond repair
That evil maybe transformed
in me,

to a love for,
not of, evil things.