Sunday, October 01, 2006

Road to Recovery

Sometimes home
Seems a long way off
Like a glinting on the far horizon
fooling me into travelling on
i put one foot in front of the other
On the road to recovery
Past houses with many rooms
That resemble the mansions
Ive been searching for
Their emptiness seems pregnant
With the promise of life
Maybe I am welcome there?
But peering in their unwashed windows
I can see that their pallid walls
And musty rooms
Are just unoccupied shells
Of other places I have been
Empty scenes
Waiting to be filled with the wounds
and noise of broken lives
But to most unseen
Their 'for rent' signs
Crudely stapled to the front fence
Are not inviting me into my Fathers house
Only advertising a place to rent
Somewhere to put my baggage down at a price
So, I continue walking, enquiring
Looking for my rightful home
A patch of blue sky
Is revealed by parting clouds
Filling me with hope