Sunday, February 19, 2006

G'day from the Cookie Cutter

G'day! For those of you not familiar with Aussie slang, Thats, "Hello"
This blog will hopefully not stray to far from its intended topic, which as you will hopefully discover, is basically a chronicle of poetry by the author. I make no claim of it to be particularly good poetry. I really have no idea what good poetry is! And this may become more evident as you read my posts!

But I do claim it as an authentic voice. A voice, that I believe resides deep within me. ( and all of us) One that cries out in anguish, questions bitterly, sings with hope and gratitude, and is always searching for meaning.

I dont intend it to be too serious, but ultimately, for me, poetry is a serious business. Not in terms of form and content, or technical artistic ability. (Boring! ) But in terms of the expression of my deepest self and the articulation of my deepest feelings. And what the pastor, writer and wordsmith Eugene Peterson calls, " the connection of the visible with the invisible. Heaven and earth." For me it is an intensely personal thing.

So, that being what it is, I hope you will forgive me for any self indulgence! For my sloppy Doggerel and furtive verse! But I also hope that you find something you resonate with. That it might provide something encouraging, thought provoking, stimulating. Well, perhaps thats asking a bit much!

The New Bible Commentary introduction tho the Psalms says that, "Poetry is able to get to the heart of our relationship with God." Ultimately, this what I am looking for, though I still havent found it.