Thursday, March 23, 2006


Here's another one of Terry Andersons, accompanied by an excerpt from his memoir, "Den of Lions."

"I rarely ask God for freedom anymore. He knows how much I want to go home - I've already told Him so many times. Instead, I pray for patience, acceptance and strength for myself. I give thanks for what I've had. I havent become a saint, or anywhere near it. I still rage, and sometimes I want to scream in frustration. But less frequently. I'm still deeply unhappy and lonely. But I know I'll live through this. I will be free someday, and I will use what I I've learned about myself properly.


Pride goeth before a fall, they say.
I fall often, but my pride remains.
My dignity is tattered,
my reputation a bit bespattered.
My hair goeth, and my teeth.
My belly saggeth; my arches, too.
But pride stands regally,
a stubborn Ozymandias
astride his crumbling kingdom,
my, and man's, despair