Thursday, April 06, 2006

The way to Gods Heart

Ive been looking for the way to Gods heart for so many years
In so many nooks,
Rocks and holes and far flung landscapes
Listened to instructions, admonitions, sermon illustrations
Read thousands of sentences, searched thousands of eyes and faces
that promised so much, but were merely fellow pilgrims on the way.
We are all looking for the way to Gods heart.
Bhuddists, Muslims, Hindus.
Christians think they are so damn smart!
Meditators, procrastinators, activists, professors, garbage collectors, agitators.
All looking for the way to Gods heart
Artists, musicians, story tellers, movie makers
Even those of us that descend the stairs of the human cellar
Blind in our dank and furtive groping
From arts highest beauty to sins slop and mud
We search for the way to Gods heart
Why hide such perfect art?
Ah.. Gods heart! Gods heart!
Where for thou art?
We look at the Christ and paint him high on walls and ceilings
Volumes of articulated thought create spiritual vapour trails across history
While Gods heart calls, whispers in the birds and trees.
And when Jesus prayed to his Father, thanking him for "Ordinary people"
And spoke tenderly, inviting the ordinary and the young
To recover from the damage done in all our desperate searching for the way to Gods heart,
We heard and sighed, and staightened up, just a little.
We saw no hard edge in his eyes.
"Take a real rest.."He said,
"Get away with me and find Gods heart."